Handgun Permit to Buy
Is now processed at the Gun Store you are purchasing your gun at, effective March 29, 2023 Senate Bill 41. The local Sheriff’s Offices are no longer required to perform the background checks. The Gun stores handles this process.
Concealed Handgun Carrying Permit
(Cash Only, Correct Amount)
As of December 1, 1995, certain residents of North Carolina may be eligible to obtain a permit, which would allow them to carry a concealed handgun under certain conditions.
No other weapons may be carried concealed pursuant to such permit. The Sheriff is the only official who may issue a concealed permit. N.C.G.S. 14-415.11
In order to obtain a North Carolina Concealed Carry Permit, an individual must apply to the sheriff’s office in the county in which he/she resides. As part of the application process, the applicant must accomplish the following:
- Complete an application, under oath, on a form provided by the sheriff’s office
- Pay a non-refundable fee of $90.00. Allow the sheriff’s office to take two (2) full sets of fingerprints (Cash Only, Correct Amount)
- Provide an original certificate of completion of an approved handgun safety course
- Must Provide an approved Photo ID showing Gaston County address
- If born outside the United States, must bring proof of citizenship.
To renew a concealed carrying permit the same process will be required except that a new handgun safety course will not be needed as long as the original permit has not expired. The renewal fee is $75.00 (Cash Only, Correct Amount).
The Sheriff has ninety (90) days from the time all application materials are received to either issue or deny the permit. N.C.G.S. 14-415.15(a)
There are certain requirements to be approved before the sheriff can issue a permit and the sheriff must deny the permit if certain prohibitions exist. Contact the sheriff’s office or the North Carolina Attorney General’s Office for the requirements. There is a partial list of prohibitions on the back of the concealed carry application.
If a permit is denied the applicant may appeal the denial, the revocation, or non- renewal of a permit by petitioning a superior court judge in the applicant’s residential district. The court’s determination will be based upon facts, law and reasonableness of the sheriff’s refusal to issue the permit.
Citizens may obtain a Concealed Carrying Permit application at the Sheriff’s Office or downloading an application from the Gaston County Sheriff’s Office Web Site.
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